You have a sacred fire inside you

that when well-tended can give you a sustained flow of vitality and wellness in your life.

Agni is the ancient word used in Ayurveda for digestive fire and this 'sacred fire’ is the transformative force that helps up to make use of not only foods, also everything we take in through our five senses - life..

Keeping this steady and well tended is a speciality of Ayurveda and the cornerstone to true health.

Tend the fire of your health & wellbeing

During our 14 week immersion together our focus will be on gently tending the sacred fires of our own bodies, hearts and our homes as our practice spaces.

With the basic teachings of 'Sacred Fire' as our central focus, we will come to understand that what we engage in and experience has huge implications on our health over time. 

Knowing how to restore personal balance in a timely manner is Everything.

Thus this immersion will ensure a supportive environment for your harmonious embodiment of Sama Agni - balanced fire. 

We will do that in the following ways


Enjoy weekly slow flow, Prana flow self-care focused practices with festive inputs and cosmic inspirations from the Lunar based system of astrology. This gentle weaving of marcocosmic awareness within the mircocosom of our own experiences serves as a mini mental vacation to reset the nervous system back into relaxed states of ‘steady flame’.


Receive guidance and support to create a small sacred space for just you that serves as a life refuge for you to practice from within, to expand the good vibes into your entire home space. 


Infuse your ritual home space with monthly offerings of Yoga Nidra, (yogic sleep) for cellular rejuvenation and healing.

Ayurvedic wisdom guidance with bi-monthly recipes for inner and outer body self care.

Guidance to support personal festive celebrations.

All will be given in an ever expanding replay library so if you can’t make the sessions live, they will be there for you ongoing.

Choose a Pricing Option


Upon registering, receive immediate access to your Samhain Ancestral practice inside the course portal.

Join us to prioritise the Nurturing of your Sacred Fire - Your Heart, Your Space, Your Practice

All given to best serve and support your seasonal self-care, whole body, mind and soulful wellbeing.

Consciously create and support your future self in the most enjoyable and sustainable ways.

If you crave a relaxed and heartfelt space to journey through harmonious seasonal change, you're in the right place.

We begin November 8th, 2023.